Jose Mª Ferrero Pastor

Born in Ontinyent  (Valencia) on 21 December 1926. His father who ran a family business while playing horn in the Musical Union band, transmitted him a love of music and his first notions of music theory.
He began to study music aged nine, attending classes imparted at the Unión Musical by lecturer Benito Rodrigues. Even when young, he demonstrated great musical gifts and interests beginning as tenor horn player although he would really have hoped to be a trumpeter, but the circumstances of the time and the band’s requirements forced him to change: in 1940, he became a member of the band, then called F.E.T y de las JONS, on tenor horn, later as player of the horn, an instrument he mastered completely.
He continued his music theory studies with Miguel Asensi, then the band director, then under the Rev. Vicente Pérez-Jorge, his true musical maestro and mentor, who instructed him study of piano, harmo...

El Kábila

El Kábila

El 18 de noviembre de 1965 se le concedía el primer premio en el II Festival de Música Festera de Alcoy por la marcha mora El kábila, obteniendo 910 de los 931 votos emitidos. Marcha dedicada a D. Francisco Martínez Abellán, que fue presidente de la Sociedad de Festeros los años 1964 a 1967, y amigo personal del autor. El autor pensó en principio en los festeros y en el auditorio que debería juzgarla, pero llevado de su natural tendencia, no pudo impedir que la composición se saliera de los moldes clasicistas de su época y que su inspiración desbordara las líneas de los límites tradicionales. La armonía y el perfecto ritmo dan el sello inconfundible de esta marcha.